Mindset Sport

We care about you on and off the pitch so we have teamed up with Mindset Sport

Mindset Sport offer free well-being resources, covering everything from Physical and Mental Health to D&I & LGBTQ+ awareness to Financial and Relationship Support.

Click on the image for more information.

Emergency Contacts

If you feel someone is in immediate danger please call 999

Samaritans 116 123
Mind 0300 123 3393
Calm 0800 58 58 58
Refuge 0808 2000 247
Age UK 0800 678 1602

Club Contacts

Safeguarding Lead
Michael Buckley – [email protected]
Adult Mental Health Lead
Helen Dickinson – [email protected]
Youth Mental Health Lead
Helen Dickinson – [email protected]
Financial Questions
Michael Buckley – [email protected]